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total business communications ip pbx & sip enabled Health News From Hurricane Beaten Florida by: Kevin Thompson
The hurricanes have been beating Florida to a pulp and causing untold property damage in that area of the country. I have two good friends who live in the Tampa area, so I've been calling down there frequently to check on things. I've already told you much about my friend Matt. And as you know, he and his family were over in China for awhile, so they missed much of the action (which is a good thing) But my other good friend, Chet Rowland lives in Clearwater Beach, and he didn't miss a thing. In fact, I was watching my local news here in Seattle a couple weeks ago, and here's this reporter doing a story on the Florida hurricanes. But here's the catch… She's standing on Clearwater Beach, with the pier in the background, trying to stay on her feet as the wind is howling through at incredible speeds. I couldn't believe it! Not just because of the winds, but because I saw the pier in the background. I recognized that pier, because it's just down the beach from where my friend Chet lives.. So what do I do? I immediately pick up the phone and give him a call. Isn't it funny how we react when we're concerned about those we care about? As the story unfolded, Chet, and those who live in that area didn't fair too badly. But there were plenty of others who were seriously hurt by the hurricanes. In fact, Chet even commented, "I'll bet you're going to have a lot of people from this area calling you as a result of these hurricanes." And he was right. You see, in addition to running the Health Articles and News Update site, I'm also an indoor air quality expert, and my specialty is in black mold. I work with people across the country, showing them how to locate, clean-up and prevent mold growth in their homes and workplaces. Anyways, let me get on with the story. I think it was only a couple days after I'd talked with Chet. I get this email from a client in Florida. She starts telling me how she had bought some of my products a few months ago (before the hurricanes). I'll just go ahead and share it with you. Here it is… Kevin, I've been having health problems for months. After watching a news story on black mold, it got me thinking. I then went on the internet and started doing some research and that's when I found your website at I was a little skeptical to order anything online, but since you had that 30-day trial offer, I decided to give you a try. I got your package in the mail and was amazed by everything you covered. You took me step by step through the process and made it so easy for me to find the mold problem in my home. It ended up being water leak from the washing machine that was causing all the damage. We got it fixed, and now I've never felt better. You have no idea what it's like to have my health back again, and I want to thank you for that. And now, with all these hurricanes, a lot of our friends will be needing your help too. I'm helping them as much as I can, but I'm no expert, so I'm also telling them how to get in touch with you. I'm so glad there are still people like you in this world who are willing to help others, especially in a time like this. Betty Wiggins And she wasn't kidding either. It's like Chet and Betty both had a vision of the future. We've had tons of people calling from the Florida area, and we've been making sure they get the help they need. You see, people in Florida are now forced to deal with the water damage that's been done to their homes because it's so extensive. But most people don't realize how important it is to take care of any water damage, and to do so right away! Water problems that aren't addressed will escalate into a full blown mold problem, and this puts you and everyone in your home at risk. Because the demand has been so high, I'm offering a no-charge teleseminar on October 11th in order to help get this valuable information into your hands. If you (or anyone you know) needs to find out how to wipe out the black mold threat in your home, you won't want to miss out on this. Here's just some of the topics we'll be discussing:
You can get information and register by going here
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