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Recent studies have indicated that the dietary supplement L-Arginine works in your body to produce a compound, Nitric Oxide which is used by the male reproductive system to stimulate an erection. The compound, L-Arginine, is a naturally occurring amino acid that is found in our muscle and cell tissue. Although our diets provide a fair amount of this amino acid, dietary supplementation has been shown to be effective in treating low levels of erectile dysfunction. Subsequently, Arginine seems to be the body's natural Viagra. The supplement itself seems to be effective, and vitamin companies are fighting to develop products to exploit its effectiveness. Many nutritional products that now boast treatment of erectile dysfunction contain high levels of Arginine with a myriad of other compounds. So what does this mean? Is Arginine an effective alternative to Viagra? Well, the answer is yes and no. Unlike Viagra, Arginine supplementation will not bypass the normal stimulation mechanism and cause an immediate erection. You will still need the mental, visual, and physical stimuli to incite and erection. It will however aid in the ease of erection and has been shown to be effective in patients with mile erectile dysfunction. In addition, for those currently using Viagra, the addition of Arginine supplementation in the diet has shown to be beneficial in making the Viagra more effective. Subsequently, Arginine can be helpful even if you still need to rely on Viagra. In summary, Arginine is a naturally occurring amino acid that we can take as a dietary supplement. The interaction of the compound in our body helps to create Nitric Oxide which is necessary in the development of a male erection. Although not a complete substitute for Viagra, the compound can help mild dysfunction and increase the performance of Viagra for those that must rely on the pharmaceutical. +++++++++++++++++++++
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